KaiZen premium financing

Premium Financing
Without Loan Via KaiZen


Kai-Zen is a strategy that helps you maintain your lifestyle with an index life insurance policy that provides death benefit protection and living benefits in the event of a serious illness, premature death, or an inability to sufficiently save for retirement. Protecting your earnings is critical to insuring your ability to save for retirement. Kai-Zen is one of the ONLY strategies that uses leverage to help you acquire more of the insurance benefits you need to help financially protect yourself and your family. Kai-Zen’s unique fusion of financing and life insurance offers more protections and the potential to earn more for retirement than you could obtain without leverage.

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KaiZen premium financing

Features and Benefits Provided by the KaiZen Policy

Death Benefit Protection

A cash value life insurance policy with accelerated benefit riders can provide a tax-free1 death benefit and/or living benefits of:

Critical Illness
(Cancer, Heart Attack, Stroke, etc.)

Chronic Illness (Assistance with daily living, bathing, eating, dressing, transferring, etc.)

Terminal Illness
(May provide living benefits if death is expected within 12-24 months. The term varies by state.)

Cash Accumulation

Potential cash value accumulation for lifestyle needs such as supplemental retirement income. Policy features include:

Interest Crediting Potential
(Opportunity for interest credited based on a market index or a fixed rate)

No Loss of Cash Value, 0% Floor (0% floor protects against declines in an index)

Potential Cash Value Growth Tax

Deferred Potential Income Tax-Free Withdrawals
(Access to cash value using policy loans and withdrawals that may be income tax-free)

KaiZen premium financing


A life insurance policy is jointly funded by the participant and
bank financing. The bank financing provides approximately 60-
75% of the total premiums to the policy.
Now participants can realize benefits far beyond what their
annual contributions alone could afford them.

The Use of Leverage
This concept is not much different than using a bank mortgage
to leverage assets to purchase a home. Money is borrowed to
buy more house (or with Kai-Zen, more benefits) than one could
purchase with assets on hand. The amount funded into the
policy has the potential for market growth without the risk of
market losses due to declines in an index and uses the policy’s
cash value as the sole collateral for the loan.

Years 1-5

During the first 5 years, the participant contributes their portion
and the lender finances the additional premiums into the
insurance policy.

Years 6-10

After year 5, the participant’s obligation is projected to be complete and the lender makes th remaining premium payments.

Years 11-15

During this time, the policy has the potential to accumulate more value and the lender’s note is projected to be satisfied approximately by the end of the 15th year.

Years 16 and beyond

Potential policy cash value accumulation is projected for
distributions for lifestyle needs such as supplemental retirement

Years 1-5

During the first 5 years, the participant contributes their portion and the lender finances the additional premiums into the insurance policy.

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